Isukiri / eL-Hortobágyi* – Coincidental Invocation Of Tengu / Gaia-Sūtra


M/NM Sealed copies. Last few out of a limited 80 copies run.

🇯🇵🇫🇮 Dare you to invoke Tengu 🇯🇵🇫🇮

Rarely I post new stuff. There's so many good new stuff. It is extremely hard to show one which stands out of the rest.

Interesting enough I bought this for the Laszlo Hortobagyi unreleased Tribal Ambient track. Funny enough The other side Isukiri blew my mind off.

Isukuri a one off project of Finnish dark ambient musicians around Mikko Saarikoski joined by legendary dark metal musician from Japan Makoto Fujishima. Yeah Makoto Fujishima and this time Ethereal Dark Ambient! Recorded by mysterious figure "Last Vampire Of Laihia". With pre-historic tengri throat vocals by Jaakko Rinne.

Coincidental Invocation Of Tengu is one of the most moody, dark and mysterious songs I heard in a long time. The strong dark metal base of Makoto is all over it, but on the other hand its so gentle and Ethereal. Whole song you feel the dark lurking there, you feel something mischievous is going to happen.

If you want anything by horto, get this one. Gaia Sutra is prime example of Horto's Tribal ambient masterpieces with eastern influences and fusions which are unheard of in such tribal ambients. But yeah even being so good the Isikuri tripped me off the most.

Released in 80 copies, the project did end after the Covid started. And no repress was planned for the initial promo run.